Company Terms & Conditions



 Terms of Business for Companies

Liberty Hive Ltd (“Liberty Hive”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 12498743. Our registered address is 82 St John St, Farringdon, London EC1M 4JN.

These candidate terms (together with the documents referred to in them) (“these Terms”) set out the terms on which you register for and use your account with us, whether through  our website ( (“Website”) or our mobile application (“App”) (together the Website and the App being the “Platform”), for the purposes of finding flexible, temporary workers (each a “Candidate”), and the supply of such Candidates by us to you,  for the provision of services by such Candidate to you.

These Terms govern your use of the Staffing Services (as defined at paragraph 3 of these terms) and will apply whenever you request the supply of a Candidate to perform services, whether on a temporary or permanent basis (each an “Assignment“).


Terms of Business for Companies

Liberty Hive Ltd (“Liberty Hive”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 12498743. Our registered address is 82 St John St, Farringdon, London EC1M 4JN.

These candidate terms (together with the documents referred to in them) (“these Terms”) set out the terms on which you register for and use your account with us, whether through  our website ( (“Website”) or our mobile application (“App”) (together the Website and the App being the “Platform”), for the purposes of finding flexible, temporary or permanent workers (each a “Candidate”) and for your engagement of such Candidates.

These Terms govern your use of the Staffing Services (as defined at paragraph 3 of these Terms) and will apply whenever you make a request to engage a Candidate to perform services, whether on a temporary or permanent basis (each an “Assignment“).

1. Other Applicable Terms

1.1. These Terms refer to the following additional terms, which also apply to your use of the Staffing Services and which are incorporated into these Terms by reference:

1.1.1. Our Platform Terms of Use, which sets out the terms on which you may use the Platform; and

1.1.2. Our Privacy and Cookie Policy, which sets out the terms on which we process any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us. By using the Website and/or App, you consent to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate (the “Privacy Policy”).  

2. Registration of Profile 

2.1. As a business seeking to use the Staffing Services (or otherwise through services provided by us or one of our group companies) (a “Business”) you will need to register and create a business account (a “Profile”) with us through the “Employer” section of the Platform, or otherwise as instructed by us or one of our group companies.

2.2. A legally binding contract (this “Agreement”) between us and you comprising these Terms, our website terms of use, and the Privacy Policy will come into effect at the date on which you create a Profile.

2.3. In order to register and set up your account you must create a password which, in order to prevent fraud, you must keep confidential. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password you should notify us immediately. If we have reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the Website or App, we may require you to change your password and/or we may suspend your account.

2.4. Once you have registered, you may:

2.4.1. update your business and contact details via the “My Account” section of the Platform; and

2.4.2. subscribe/unsubscribe from marketing communications and newsletters via or mailchimp options

2.5. You are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any content submitted to the Platform.  You agree to ensure that your details provided on registration, and any information submitted through your Profile is true and not in any respect inaccurate misleading, deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive, and does not infringe any law or any rights of a third party.

2.6. By creating a Profile, you consent to the inclusion of your details on the Platform so that Candidates can consider applying an Assignment.

2.7. You agree to notify us immediately of any changes which are relevant to your Profile by informing us through the Platform where possible by emailing us at:

2.8. You can disable, delete, and/or remove your Profile via the “My Account” section of the Platform by contacting us at

2.9. We reserve the right to forward contact details to any regulatory authority (no limits for police) when we are so required. We may also forward your contact information when there is a complaint regarding your use of our Platform, where we reasonably consider that such use is inconsistent with these Terms. Subject to this condition and others that may be apply by law, we will not disclose your registration details to any third party without your consent.

2.10. You may not register a Profile with us and use the Staffing Services if you are:

2.10.1. an intermediary in the field of HR, or a company that is not ultimately responsible for hiring the Candidate;

2.10.2. an affiliate network seeking to increase its user database;

2.10.3. a company that requires an initial investment or payment of any kind from the Candidate;

2.10.4. a company with multi-level sales schemes;

2.10.5. an employer whose Assignment offers are not the real Assignment(s) being offered;

2.10.6. an employer whose commercial activity revolves around sex, tarot, gambling, personal relationships or weapons; or

2.10.7. an employer without a valid tax ID.

2.11. In the event that you register a Profile in breach of condition 2.10, we reserve the right to terminate this Agreement immediately and cease to provide the Staffing Services to you.

2.12. You will indemnify us against any liability that we may suffer as a result of your breach of conditions 2.5 or 2.10.

2.13 As a Business you will be able to have a set number of users per login. If you need to exceed this, there will additional charges - please contact as at for further details if required.


3. Available Services

3.1. As a Business you will be able to use the Platform to perform the following services (together the “Staffing Services”):

3.1.1. accessing and reviewing Candidate profiles once matched;

3.1.2. posting Assignments for application from Candidates; and

3.1.3. hiring a Candidate to perform an Assignment, either on a temporary or permanent basis. 

3.2. As a Business we may also offer you additional services that are not immediately available to you on registration and for which you will need to apply and be granted access in order to use them. The availability of any additional services will be at our discretion and may require additional approvals or verifications or conditions to be complied with before you are permitted to use them.

3.3. Where additional services are made available, specific terms relating to such additional services may also apply at our discretion.

3.4. We may suspend or cancel your registration immediately, and remove your right to receive the Staffing Services, if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms.

3.5. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to pursue all of our legal remedies, including but not limited to deletion of your content from the Platform and immediate termination of your registration with or without ability to access the Platform and/or the Staffing Services provided to you by us, upon any breach by you of these.

3.6. Candidates are responsible for any information content that they wish to make available via the Platform. We do not exercise any editorial control over any such information or content. It is therefore your responsibility to verify any information or content that you receive in relation to a Candidate, and we will not be liable for any loss or damage that you may suffer as a result of any such information or content being incorrect, out of date, infringing or otherwise defective.


4. Requesting the engagement of a Candidate 

4.1. To make a request for a Candidate for an Assignment, you must provide the following information (an “Assignment offer”):

4.1.1. the type of work that the Candidate would be required to do;

4.1.2. whether the Candidate will be contracted to you on a temporary basis (short, medium or long term), or whether you will hire the Candidate on a permanent basis as your employee;

4.1.3. the location of the work;

4.1.4. the start date of the Assignment ;

4.1.5. the Assignment’s expected duration (if the Candidate will be engaged on a temporary basis);

4.1.6. the experience, training, qualifications and any specific authorisations which you expect the Candidate to have, or which may be legally required;

4.1.7. the rate of pay, expenses and any other benefits offered by you to the Candidate for the Assignment;

4.1.8. any health and safety risks which the Candidate may be exposed to in performing the work during the Assignment and what procedures you have in place to manage those risks;

4.1.9. whether the Assignment will involve the Candidate caring for or attending, or working with a vulnerable person (a “vulnerable person” being any person who by reason of age, infirmity, illness, disability or any other circumstance is in need of care or attention, and includes any person under the age of eighteen); and

4.1.10. such additional information as we may reasonably require in order to comply with our legal obligations.

4.2. Wherever possible, all the required information must be supplied by you via the Platform or such manner as we may specify. We are not obliged to provide the Staffing Services until all information required for the relevant Assignment has been provided.

4.3. When making an Assignment offer, the following conditions shall apply:

4.3.1. no duplicate Assignment offers are accepted. It is considered that an Assignment offer is a duplicate when salary, location and position coincide. If you have several vacancies for the same position and location, you must publish a unique offer, electing all Candidates required between applications received on the same offer;

4.3.2. the description of the Assignment offer must be clear and must be descriptive. It is recommended to include at least:

- a brief introduction to your business activities;

- functions or responsibilities of the position;

- candidate requirements; and

- working hours and other conditions;

4.3.3. the description contained in the Assignment offer should not include contact details such as address, email or phone number.

4.3.4. the title of Assignment offers must be short, clear and must be an honest portrayal of the job itself. It should not include words like “Urgent”, “Wanted”, “Job Vacancy”, etc. or data such as salary or location (to be included in the description of the offer, not the title) not to influence our algorithm;

4.4. In the event of a breach of the conditions set out at conditions 4.3.1 to 4.3.4 (inclusive) above, we have the right to block or remove the Assignment offer in respect of which the breach relates from the Platform. In the event that you repeatedly breach the conditions set out at conditions 4.3.1 to 4.3.4 (inclusive) above in respect of multiple Assignment offers, we reserve the right to immediately terminate this Agreement.

4.5. Assignment offers that discriminate by gender, race or disability, or which are otherwise illegal (whether due to the nature of the qualifications required for the role or otherwise) are not allowed and may lead to proceedings against you. If we consider that an Assignment offer may be discriminatory or illegal, we may, at our discretion, block, edit or delete the Assignment offer and you shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts paid or pending regarding the publication of such Assignment offer. 

4.6. We give no guarantee that any Candidates suitable for the Assignment you wish to fill will be available. Nor do we give any commitment or guarantee that any specific individuals will be available as Candidates for any one Assignment.

4.7. We will use reasonable endeavours to publish all content submitted by you to us on the required date and relevant order but we do not accept any responsibility for any error or delay in publication or rejection of publication of content, for whatever reason.

4.8. You should actively review all applications to Assignment offers received from Candidates by checking, sorting and contacting Candidates who have applied and are of interest by:  

4.8.1. Viewing the full profile of Candidates that have applied to the offer;

4.8.2. Process candidates ie notify them of their application status

4.9. If you have not actively reviewed an application in relation to an Assignment offer within 72 hours from the time at which you receive an application, we may analyse the reasons for such inactivity to assess the possibility of closing the account. If this inactivity is repeated in a second process, we reserve the right to close the account.

4.10 You must let Liberty Hive know if role becomes longer than planned or permanent as credits will be invoiced to your account for longer term roles


5. Verification of Candidates

5.1. If the law or a professional body requires the person performing the Assignment to have particular qualifications or authorisations, we will, in respect of any Candidate introduced by us to you for that Assignment, take reasonably practicable steps to obtain and provide to you, if requested, copies of such Candidate’s required qualifications or authorisations. However, we accept no responsibility for any incorrectness in relation to any such items, and it is your responsibility to verify all such items.

5.2. If the Assignment involves caring for or attending, or working with, a vulnerable person, we will, in respect of any Candidate introduced by us to you for that Assignment, take reasonably practicable steps to obtain and provide to you, if requested, copies of any relevant qualifications or authorisations and two references from persons who are not relatives of the relevant Candidate. However, we accept no responsibility for any incorrectness in relation to any such items, and it is your responsibility to verify all such items.

5.3. All information which we are required to give to you with respect to any Candidate will be made available by us to you via the Platform or through such other method as we may specify. Where information is provided electronically, we will not be required to provide such information in paper form.

5.4. If any suitable Candidates are identified following the submission of a request by you for the engagement of a Candidate, you will have the opportunity to contact such Candidates directly in order to explore their experience and application in more detail. You are responsible for carrying out all the controls and procedures necessary to ensure that Candidates are suitable for the Assignment advertised and that Candidates have the required qualifications and personal characteristics that fit the description provided.

5.5. To accept a Candidate for an Assignment, you must confirm the engagement of that Candidate through the 'acceptance / closed' function of the Platform (where available) or through such other method as we may specify.


6. Candidates

6.1. When interacting with a Candidate via the Platform:

6.1.1. you must maintain polite and proper contact with Candidates, never using offensive or inappropriate language.

6.1.2. you agree to deal fairly and professionally with Candidates and not to do anything which may bring us or any of our group companies into disrepute. In case there is any complaint by a Candidate against us as a result of breach of this obligation or any other clause that is part of these Terms, we reserve the right to claim damages from you.

6.2. Any Candidate engaged by you, whether on a temporary or permanent basis will be under your supervision, direction and control for the duration of their engagement. It is your responsibility to engage each Candidate on an appropriate contract between you and such Candidate, and you will be responsible for paying such Candidate's remuneration, and for ensuring the deduction and payment of any applicable National Insurance Contributions, PAYE Income Tax, pension contributions and other such duties in respect of such Candidate. You will indemnify us against any liability we may incur In respect of the same.

6.3 You must not contact a Candidate met through the Platform directly for future roles. Connections must be through Liberty Hive otherwise we will cancel your account.

6.4 If you subsequently wish to hire a candidate that came through an earlier connection made by Liberty Hive, Liberty Hive retains the right to invoice you for any future roles taken by that matched candidate, regardless of role, within a twelve-month period.

6.5 As a Business you must notify us when a contract is signed so we can raise an Invoice for any future completion fees (connections) if applicable


7. Attendance of a Candidate

7.1. This condition 7 applies to Candidates engaged by you on a temporary basis only.

7.2. You are only liable to pay for the period actually worked by a Candidate in the performance of the relevant Assignment.

7.3. If you do not let us know otherwise with respect to a Candidate by the project completion deadline, we will be entitled to assume that the Candidate completed the period of the Assignment in full.

7.4. If you are not satisfied with the abilities or performance of a Candidate, you must notify us immediately, explaining why you are not satisfied, so that it can be considered by our client service team. As the hiring of the Candidate Is your responsibility, we do not promise to make any refund in respect of an unsatisfactory Candidate, but our client service team will consider complaints and deal with them as it sees fit in its discretion.

7.5. If a Candidate which you have accepted for an Assignment fails to attend such Assignment (or for any one shift within such Assignment) within a reasonable period following the required start time of the Assignment (or shift) without your prior consent, you must notify us in accordance with the procedure specified by us


8. Your Other Obligations

8.1. You are solely responsible for the form, completeness and accuracy of any content submitted to the Platform.

8.2. You will only submit content that is true and not in any respect inaccurate misleading, deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive. You will also only submit content that does not infringe any law or other person's rights.

8.3. Any and all adverts for Assignments that you submit shall relate to specific and genuine Assignments that are available at the time of posting.

8.4. You acknowledge the importance of providing feedback regarding a Candidate, for the purpose of us determining the suitability of such Candidate for future Assignments. You shall use reasonable efforts to give feedback regarding the performance of each Candidate once the relevant Assignment is complete via the ‘feedback’ function of the Platform (where available) or in accordance with the procedure specified by us. If you provide feedback, you must ensure that it is honest, accurate, fair and not defamatory.

8.5. By submitting content, you permit any user of Platform to view, store and reproduce such content for personal use.

8.6. You will ensure that all content submitted by you, and that your hiring practices, comply with all applicable laws including, but not limited to, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Part Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000, Fixed Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002, Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation Regulations) 2003 and Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, Equality Act 2010 and any other statutory or common law requirements relating to discrimination. You will also ensure that all content complies with the minimum requirements set out in the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 where applicable.

8.7 You are obliged to contact us if a project is extended beyond that which was initially advertised.


9. Our Rights 

9.1. By providing us with information about your business on registration, you agree that we and our group companies can contact you during normal business hours by phone or email or other appropriate means in relation to matters regarding your account.

9.2. By submitting any content to the Platform, you grant us and our group companies a royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable, non-exclusive, right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, publish, translate, transmit, communicate, display or create any derivative works from such content solely for the purposes of providing the Staffing Services and advertising and/or marketing the platform.

9.3. We reserve the right to edit the content of any Assignment offers posted by you in the event that these contain contact details such as physical addresses, email addresses or phone numbers that encourage Candidates to continue interaction regarding the relevant Assignment offer other than via the Platform. 

9.4. We have the right to edit Assignment titles when it is considered that it may improve the recommendations or algorithm performance. We may also change any field of the Assignment offer which you have incorrectly completed.

9.5. We reserve the right to reclassify your search for the publication of vacancies in our database, if we believe that it is not formulated efficiently.

9.6. We reserve the right to remove any content (including without limitation any information relating to an Assignment) which we deem to be inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, likely to mislead or deceive, likely to infringe any law or any person's rights, or of an unacceptable standard. If we disable or delete any content submitted by you, we will use reasonable endeavours to, but are not obliged, to contact you in advance.

9.7. We may withdraw any Assignment offer that contains links to a web page that, in our opinion, is unlawful, defamatory, offensive, fraudulent, violent, discriminatory, obscene or sexually explicit or that may adversely affect our reputation. You will indemnify us from and against any claim, damages or liability caused by the content of Assignment offers or any links published as part of any Assignment offer.

9.8. We do not own or endorse the photographic content that users post to our Platforms. As a user of our Platform, you are solely responsible for any photographic content you submit. When uploading photos, you grant us a non-exclusive right and licence to use, copy, re-use and distribute those photos at our discretion.


10. Fees and Payment for the Staffing Services

10.1 In engaging with Liberty Hive’s Staffing Services, you acknowledge the Pricing Terms (see Pricing) regarding platform fee, posting fees and completion fees for hires

10.2 The payment will be taken automatically via bank details obtained at sign up or you will be invoiced at the time of posting your role. 

10.3 Payment is upfront for job posts via the platform. In some instances (e.g. when a role goes beyond agreed period) we will invoice you for this service. Invoices for conection fees are raised in the month of when the candidate starts the role

10.4 For additional services you must pay the amount invoiced within 30 days of the date of the invoice using one of the payment methods specified on the invoice.

10.5  If you fail to make payment by the due date, we may:

10.5.1 Charge you interest on amounts outstanding at our primary bank’s standard overdraft rate or similar credit interest rate (currently Starling Ltd); and

10.5.2 Remove any job advertisement placed by you via the Staffing Services and disable your profile on the Staffing Services.



11. Cancellations and refunds

11.1. Once you have selected one or more Candidates, they are your responsibility. We will therefore not give any refunds for the performance, or of any failure to perform, of any Candidate. We will be open to working out a reasonable solution.

12. Agency Workers Regulations 2010

12.1. Both we and you each acknowledge that Candidates engaged by you pursuant to the Staffing Services on a temporary basis may qualify for equal treatment pursuant to the Agency Workers Regulations 2010 (the “AWR”). You warrant and represent that:

12.1.2. with respect to any Candidate engaged by you for an Assignment of 12 weeks or more, or which would otherwise qualify for equal treatment pursuant to the AWR, the rate of pay, expenses, benefits, holiday pay and other working conditions provided by you to such Candidate will comply with the requirements of the AWR; and

12.1.3. you will provide us with, on demand, any and all information which we may require in order to ensure that we can comply with the Agency Workers Regulations 2010 with respect to the treatment of any Candidate engaged by you.

12.2. If a Candidate makes any claim or complaint relating to the pay, benefits or working conditions of an Assignment for which such Candidate is engaged by you, you must cooperate fully with us to resolve the issue.


13. Warranties, Representations and Indemnity

13.1. You represent and warrant to us that:

13.1.1. you have the power and authority to enter into these Terms and grant all rights granted or purported to be granted and fully perform your obligations hereunder;

13.1.2. you have or will have obtained prior to transmission all necessary rights, consents, licences, clearances and waivers in relation to any content that you post to the Platform (including without limitation any musical recordings and compositions contained in the content) to enable us to publish such content on the Platform and you shall be solely responsible for any and all payments due to third parties as a result of such publication;

13.1.3. no content will constitute an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity within the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000;

13.1.4. you shall not send directly or indirectly, a cookie (being a packet or piece of data or other information sent by a web server to a client device, to be stored on that client device and which is sent back to that web server each time the client device makes additional requests from that web server) to the device of any user of the Website or App who accesses your content, irrespective of whether any such device has been enabled by such user to receive cookies; and

13.1.5. you have a valid notification under, and have and will comply with all relevant requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), and have and will comply with all relevant requirements of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and any guidance issued by the Information Commissioner in relation to obtaining, storing and use of personal data derived from using the Staffing Services, viewers of content or otherwise in connection with these Terms.

13.2. You shall indemnify and defend us from and against any and all losses, demands, claims, damages, costs, expenses (including consequential losses and loss of profit, legal costs and expenses and value added tax thereon) and liabilities suffered or incurred, directly or indirectly, by us in consequence of any:

13.2.1. breach, non-performance or non-observance by you of any of your obligations, warranties, representations and undertakings contained in these Terms; or

13.2.2. your use, publication, reproduction or transmission of content on the Platform.


14. Termination of this Agreement

14.1. Where we agree to provide Staffing Services, you will continue to be subject to these Terms unless and until this Agreement is terminated in accordance with this condition 14. 

14.2. You may terminate this Agreement for us to provide Staffing Services:

14.2.1. at any time by notifying us through the Platform or in such other manner as we may specify, however:

a) no refunds for payments already made will be given and any outstanding amounts owed shall remain payable; 

             b) any agreed discounts shall cease to apply;

14.2.2. if we breach these Terms in our provision of the Staffing Services to you and such breach cannot be rectified within ten days of your notification to us of such breach;

14.2.3. if we become insolvent or go into liquidation.

14.3. We may terminate this Agreement for us to provide Staffing Services immediately if:

14.3.1. you are in breach of these Terms, and such breach cannot be rectified within ten days of your being notified of such breach;

14.3.2. you become insolvent, cease to trade or go into liquidation; 

14.3.3. we cease to offer the relevant Staffing Services; or

14.3.4. our publication of the Platform is restricted, curtailed or prevented by any law, regulation, guideline, code or any other act or thing beyond our control.

14.4. In the event that this Agreement is terminated (for whatever reason) you will still be liable to pay us all unpaid fees which have accrued prior to the date of the termination. We shall raise, and deliver to you, an invoice for any such fees within 14 days of the date of the termination of this Agreement, and you agree to pay any such invoice in full within 7 days of the invoice being issued to you.


15. Limitation of Liability

15.1. We are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of the information contained in the profiles of Candidates on the Platform.

15.2. We are not liable to you or to any third party for any damages resulting from our publication of any Assignment offer which is untrue, misleading, discriminatory, illegal or which in any other way breaches the requirements of these Terms of Use or any other terms and conditions applicable to the Staffing Services.

15.3. Unless otherwise stated in writing and agreed with us, no protection or assurances against proximity to competitors on the Platform is given by us.

15.4. We accept no liability for any loss suffered by you or by any third party arising from the acts or omissions of any Candidate whilst such Candidate is under your supervision, direction or control.

15.5. We are not responsible for the publication, change, deletion, delay in publication or deletion of any content required by any competent authority with jurisdiction and responsibility for regulations on electronic and online advertising on the Internet (including without limitation the Advertising Standards Authority or other body that replaces it).

15.6. Our aggregate liability in respect of any loss or damage suffered by you and arising out of or in connection with these Terms, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or for breach of statutory duty or in any other way, shall not exceed the amount of the fees actually paid by you to us in accordance with condition 10, during the year in which such loss or damage is suffered.

15.7. We shall not be liable in contract, tort (including negligence) or for breach of statutory duty or in any other way for:

15.7.1. any loss arising from or in connection with loss of revenues, profits, contracts, or business or failure to realize anticipated savings;

15.7.2. any loss of goodwill or reputation; or

15.7.3. any indirect or consequential losses suffered or incurred by you arising out of or in connection with any matter under these Terms.

15.8. Nothing in this clause shall limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or for fraud.


16. Confidentiality and Publicity

16.1. You agree to maintain strict confidentiality of any data or information provided by us to you, to which you have access and / or which comes to light as a result of your use of the Platform or our Staffing Services, including all information relating to technical expertise, know-how, methodologies, products, services, customers, candidates or our business activities and you will not allow such information to be transferred or made accessible to third parties without our express authorisation (“Confidential Information“).

16.2. You shall not use any Confidential Information except in connection with the performance and enjoyment of the Staffing Services provided to you by us, or make any announcement relating to our provision of any Staffing Services to you, without our prior written approval.

16.3. This obligation of confidentiality will be extended to your staff and / or any other person involved in your receipt of the Staffing Services.

16.4. Notwithstanding condition 16.2, you shall be entitled to make any disclosure of any Confidential Information or make any statement or announcement where it is required to do so by law or by any governmental or other regulatory authority but then only to the extent so required.

16.5. The confidentiality obligations set out in this clause shall remain in force during the term of this agreement, and will continue indefinitely after its termination.

16.6. You shall not without our prior consent claim any association with us or use our name, mark or logo or otherwise refer to us or our services or publish any information in connection with any job advertisement which has been published or is scheduled for publication.


17. Intellectual Property

17.1. The content, layout, usability and format of the Platform may vary solely and exclusively at our discretion.

17.2. All intellectual property rights (being all patents, rights to inventions, copyright and related rights, trade marks, business names and domain names, rights in get-up, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off, rights in designs, database rights, rights to use, and all other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications and rights to apply for and be granted, renewals or extensions of, and rights to claim priority from, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or will subsist now or in the future in any part of the world) in the Platform, our techniques and know-how and any intellectual property rights created by us during the provision of the Staffing Services shall belong exclusively to us.


18. Force Majeure

We shall have no liability for any delay in or failure to perform any or all of our obligations under these Terms if the delay or failure arises from or is attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond our reasonable control including, without limitation, industrial disputes (where caused by events or circumstances which are themselves beyond our reasonable control), nuclear accident, war or terrorist activity, acts of God, civil commotion, pandemics, compliance with any law, governmental order, rule, regulation, or direction, failure of technical facilities, accident, fire, flood, storm or default of suppliers or sub-contractors.


19. Notices

Any notice given under these Terms shall be in writing and served by hand, prepaid, recorded or special delivery post or prepaid international recorded airmail to the relevant addressee at the address given as part of the registration process, or such other address as the relevant party may designate to the other in writing from time to time. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been served at the time of delivery. For the avoidance of doubt, notice given under these Terms shall not be validly served if sent by email.


20. Severance

If any part of these Terms is deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that part shall be deemed to be severable from these Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining parts of these Terms.


21. Conflict of Terms

In the event of any conflict between the interpretation of these Terms and the interpretation of the Privacy Policy and/or Candidate Terms, and/or Company Terms, these Terms shall prevail in relation to the subject-matter of these Terms.

22. Waiver

No waiver by us shall be construed as a waiver of any proceeding or succeeding breach of any part of these Terms.


23. Third Party Rights

Except insofar as these Terms expressly provide that a third party may in his own right enforce a term of these Terms, a person who is not a party to these Terms has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely upon or enforce any term of the Terms but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from under that Act.


24. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms, the jurisdiction clause contained in them and all non-contractual obligations arising in any way whatsoever out of or in connection with these terms and conditions, are governed by, construed and take effect in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

May 2021, Updated May 2023 in line with price changes